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Academic Presenter (Online Platform) - FAQ
A.P. - FAQ
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1. Can the presentation be presented on a computer that has not Academic Presenter (AP) installed?

Yes, thanks to our new system, you can easily present your project on other machines. This new feature will be available for AP version 2.4 and above.
2. What are the file formats the presentation can be saved and exported to?

Academic Presenter can generate big poster from the canvas as an image file. Also, it assists users to export the project into PDF format. This feature is handy, especially when the user wants to provide handout from the presentation. Finally, from version 2.4, users can upload their projects as dynamic HTMLs and present them through online presentation deck.
3. Interface in different languages is an excellent feature, but that menu is not available in version 2.3; is this correct?

Yes, customizable UI will be available from version 2.4.
4. When I transfer the project from my computer to another one to present, the screen shifted, and I had to change the resolution to be able to make the slides fit into the presentation again. Is there an easy way to fix this problem?

Academic Presenter saves the first design time's settings and tries to stretch the display in other devices to display the same screen; so, you should not see any shift, but you may see a stretched view. Also, in the online version of Academic Presenter, users will have additional options to stretch the presentation to fit in width, in height, or in both.
5. The projector that I am trying to use is shifted, and half of screen is not visible. How can I handle this problem in Academic Presenter?

Sometimes, there is a transformation in the projector which can be a hardware or a software problem. In this case, we suggest users choose Run in window mode from Run menu and resize the window such that it will be shown entirely in the visible part of the projector.
6. I can't import PDF documents; every time I try, whatever the PDF file, I always get the following error message: "Error in embedding PDF file. Embedding selected pdf file needs special privilege from the author."

Sometimes, PDF files are protected, and that is why the software is not allowed to change their contents or share them. In order to make sure, try different PDFs and if the problem stays the same, then check your Windows account username. If you have a special charter in your name, then MikTeX compiler will not be able to save the output image in the temporary folder of the user. In this case, we would suggest changing Windows account’s username.
7. Is it possible to export the presentation to some format which can be included in a web page, keeping the movements in the presentation?

Yes, Academic Presenter online can publish and present the project without further installation. Users can share their projects on different social networks such as Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
8. Some objects have disappeared from my view. I could find them by pressing Ctrl+Space sequentially and noticed that the opacity for those objects was 0, so, I moved the opacity slider to the right, and the objects were visible again. I saved the file, but when loading it again, the same objects have disappeared again (and again the opacity went to zero). Even without closing the file, sometimes the program changes the opacity of such objects to 0 again, for example after selecting one view of the list. How can I fix this?

This behavior happens when you change properties of an object in a keyframe without updating the keyframe. If you want to alter the appearance of an element in a keyframe, you need to press the Update button to saves the new state in the selected keyframe. For more information, please watch
9. I cannot create LaTeX inside canvas.

Please check whether MikTeX is available on your system or not. If it is installed, then check Windows account name. If you have an accentuated name (like António), change it to non-accented name (e.g. Antonio). MikTeX cannot save the output image in the temporary folder of users with extended characters.
10. Is there any way to run Academic Presenter on windows XP 32 bit?

Older versions (v 1.5) of Academic Presenter could be installed on Windows XP, but new components have some incompatibility issues with old versions of Windows.
11. How can we rotate the camera?

To rotate the camera, first, you need to have a rotated image on canvas or a rotated shape with text inside. Then, from background tab, check Rotate canvas on click. Now you are ready to go. Select the rotated object on the canvas, and choose zoom to object from Edit menu. You can see that whole the camera will rotate to show the object at center. Now, you can save the new look as a keyframe. All of them is to prevent unnecessary rotation. Also, to return to normal mode (un-rotated canvas) select Edit\show all canvas.

In the presentation mode, you only need to click on rotated image or rotated text to change the camera angel. In this case, if you want to return to zero degree, just click on background in presentation mode.
12. In Handwriting, I can't get the eraser to appear after selecting it by point or stroke. It just continues to write with the pen rather than erase.

To clear handwriting strokes, you need to use the eraser part of the digitizer. For example, for surface pro, the eraser is located at the top end of the stylus. Just, approach the eraser part of the stylus to the screen, you can see the mouse cursor will change to an eraser. Then, rubbing the eraser part to the screen will wipe out unwanted drawings.